Snow days

Due to some inclement weather, the kids do not have school. They are at home and full of energy. They went sledding. They had lunch and now  they are watching holiday movies. Keeping them occupied on a snow day is tricky. They want me to pay attention to them. We have a lot going on. Trying to keep up the house and keep it in order while managing the days activities is no easy tasks. Keeping them occupied is not my job. Wanting them to learn and use their imaginations is my aim. If I cannot be there to tell them what to do, I want them to have the ability to use their minds to come up with ideas.

The weather may not be cooperating, but is nice when they get along and can come up with what to do on their own. I want them to see that they don’t need me for entertainment or learning. They can figure out things on their own. When they want me to me to take part, I will be willing to do so, only if they instruct me on what they want me to do. When in doubt we let them play in the snow and enjoy the pure joy of being able to have some freedom. No school makes them happy because we are all together. We anticipated this. They will not forget snow days because we are making fun and creative memories.

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