
When you achieve something that takes a lot of effort and there were Nay Sayers and doubters. You can say bouya. My kids were watching a move. There were some superheroes. Of course the superheroes won in the end. There was justice. They won. Winning is not everything.

There are battles that we face. We have set out to do some things. Our family has goals. When we achieve a goal as a family, we want to say bouya. There is great satisfaction in finishing something.

Every day, I post to this website. Every day I put up a Facebook post. Have  achieved something? Are there people reading? Is there someone that has been inspired or transformed, by what I write.

To me the most important thing I can do is just do this. My kids will see that I am committed to achieving something. I hope they see that they too can win by being committed to doing something every day. To me that would be a huge win in parenting. I hope they get that they can have their own wins. They can be heroes in their own right. They can win in the end. If only they just finish what they started. Bouya.


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