Walking the Path

My son was walking along a path and injured his foot. He got dropped off at home and his sisters were able to continue having fun. He is used to being by himself and prefers not to be in large crowds. He can handle large crowds for a while and then needs to recover.

There are lots of people who are like this. My son tends to be introverted. I am introverted at times. I do enjoy talking to people and asking about them. When I am new to a situation I tend to clam up. I don’t say a lot . I am a quiet observer. This may put people at unease. They may expect people to be more outgoing.

My son was not so bummed out by his injury. He was relieved to be by himself in his room for a while. I recognize this. I usually make an effort to get him out of his room when I can. I also see that this is necessary for his well being.

It is good to know our children so well that we can identify what they want and need. It is difficult for kids to articulate how they feel to the level we can understand why they are asking for what they are asking for. They tend to walk on their own paths like us as adults. We all have different tolerances. It helps to know how we fit into the world.

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A Day at the Beach