Wake Up

It is early Saturday morning. I did not think it would be a struggle to get the kids up early on a Saturday morning. They get to take a trip with me. We are going to get breakfast and go the most fun place in the world. Yes, we are going to the library.

Oh no, not the library, their groans say. I know they would rather go to the trampoline park. I have a meeting to go to. The sitter cancelled last minute. Off we go to the library. They have to be quiet and sit still for a while. 

They don’t like to be quiet and sit still for very long. I know that once they wake up and get going they seem to have boundless energy. Going to the library is not at the top of their list of goals. 

They do have a goal of reading a lot of books to get a prize. They get tickets to a theme park. They would love to go. I am using that as leverage, along with breakfast. This Saturday morning is going down. They know that I do care about them. They know that they have requirements at the library. I will let them be loud in the car on the way there and the way back. I know it is not feasible for them to remain quiet and sit still for too long. It is like school for them. Even that gets old for them. I know they need to get out all their energy and wake up everyone else in their wake. 

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