The Struggle

We all struggle. Add a few kids into your day, and you will struggle more. The kids are struggling. They are trying to map our their world and how they fit into it. They learned to walk, crawl, talk, and so much more. They are trying to relate to Mom and Dad. If you are stressed out and struggling, how are your kids feeling? You as a parent are the example for your kids. How do you deal with conflict? You will deal with conflict with every task you take on. It is reality. What can be done?

We all need a break. Parents too. Kids as well. How do you reset kids? They need your time, talents, and treasures. When they are parents they will know that their time, talents, and treasures are needed. What do I mean by that? Spending time with your kids is how they know they are loved. What do they like to do? Do they like getting hugs and kisses? Do they like story time? Each child may have different likes. Your talents come in with showing them how to do what you love. They may not know what they are doing or get the hang of it. They will have some memories to share with their loved ones. Treasures can mean money. If they go above and beyond in ways that are needed around the house, I give them some money. We still struggle occasionally. Being aware of the struggle and how to overcome the barriers to a better relationships can help.

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