
When the kids get along and don’t fight everything is great. It is awesome when they do what is needed. Today, the kids were working together to keep the house clean. They ate their dinners and did their homework. My kids know what is expected. If they don’t do what is needed, they know that they will have a hard time. If they don’t get enough sleep they know they will be cranky in the morning. If they don’t do their homework, they don’t get the points in class.

If they watch a scary movie, they will be scared and won’t be able to sleep. If they eat their dinners they will not go hungry and won’t snack the rest of the night. Helping out feels good. Where did they learn our expectations and values from? They are watching. If Mom and Dad are not getting along and fight, there is no harmony. When Mom and Dad work together there is harmony. When the kids see Mom and Dad getting along, they know what acceptable behavior is. They are little sponges. Getting along and thriving in a harmonious manner makes everything better. Striving for harmony in the home is a good goal.

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