Out the door

Why is it difficult to get the kids ready and out the door. Most of the time they don’t know my agenda. They have to buy in to what I am doing, or they don’t want to go. They are at the age when they have opinions and preferences. It was much easier to get them out the door to go somewhere when they were smaller. I think at times, they have fear. The fear is fear of missing out on something else they want to do. They throw up obstacles and try to block getting out the door. There is no enthusiasm.

It may be my fault entirely. I did not share my vision of what the day could be like. I have it tucked away in my head and in my heart. I may not have expressed it with the same vigor. How do you sell young kids on going to the store? You can promise that you will get them something. I don’t like to do that every time. I tell them that being good adds up. If they keep it up over the month, then maybe they will get something. It works until they start keeping tabs on how long it was since I said it and when they last got a reward. It gets them out the door most days.

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