In Motion

Today was a nice day in our city. The kids went outside. They flew kites and ran around the park. My youngest climbed the monkey bars, just like her older sister. They had a wonderful time. My son had a drone. It flew far as if it were controlled by some unseen force. We did not find it. It was great to be outside and moving about.

It is always better to be in motion than standing still. Losing the drone was symbolic for me. I do want my kids to be free and roam about. They not stick around long when they are older. I hope they do find their way in the world and explore all it has to offer. I hope they do come back home, when they can.

Being lost and roaming about without anyone would be hard on me. However, if there is growth and opportunity for them, then that is would be great for them. It is grand to be moving in the direction of your dreams and goals. When they stop being in motion or roaming about and exploring the world around that would be a sad time for me. That would mean that they are truly not growing.


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