Be Bold

It is a sign that sits on my desk. Yet, there are times when I hesitate. There are times when I can’t move forward. There are times when I can’t make up my mind. I want to have an extraordinary life. I want to be a great example for my kids. I have to make a lot of difficult decisions lately. There is wisdom, that indicates to make a decision and then make it right.

I am going to make a lot of decisions in the next few weeks. I know they can impact my family. I know they can impact how we live. I know they can impact our future. I will make the decisions. I will take action. I will be be bold. Why do I write all of this. When there is a lot of decision making going on. There can be regret, shame, fear, and other emotions that come into play.

There are several different philosophies out there. How do I know which one to follow up on? How do I know I am making the right decision? Without great risk there is no great reward. Those who never try never fail. I am not sure who said that. I am sure he/she meant to be bold.


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