
Today, you can start over. Today, you can work on whatever you need to. Today is the time to start that project. Today, is the day to get rid of old stuff cluttering your life. Today, is the day to start with a clean slate.

Instead of worrying about what I want to accomplish. I can take action. I can get it done. I can start on a project. I can get rid of clutter. I can do the task that needs to be completed. I can start with a clean slate today.

Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not in a month. I have to take action, right now. There are little things that I can do every day to move in the direction of my goals. The little steps add up. If I have a clear intention, I can come up with a plan, right now. I can get it done. I can achieve, what I set out to do.

All I need to do is take care of what needs to be cleared, either mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally. Then I have a clean space to work from. This is key with parenting. I think kids are resilient and are good forgiving today. You can have a clean conscious, that your kids will be amazing.


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