
My daughter’s favorite shirt has a unicorn on it. They love to watch anything with unicorns. Maybe most girls their age do. They love to play. They ask me if unicorns are real. I hate to break it to them.

So, I ask them what they think. Maybe they are real. I have never seen one. I tell them just because they have never seen one, does not mean that they don’t exist. I know it is wimpy. I want my kids to have that sense that anything is possible.

I may be just a little selfish. I want them to stay kids, and not grow up too fast. It is bad enough that they watch some things on the tablet or computer that is borderline destructive.

I am trying to get them away from using the electronics and reading more books. They can get into a book and use their imaginations more. So, yes they can picture unicorns as real for now. I want them to grow their imaginations and believe in the impossible for a little while longer. So, if that makes me a little selfish, then so be it.

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