My Example

My daughter is so excited to go to a sleepover. She made it happen. Her and her friend got together and made plans. Then her and her friend told us parents about their decision to have a sleepover. Us Moms texted each other. We hashed it out. The other girls Mom never had a sleepover for her daughter.

My daughter has had several sleepovers. She knows what to do. Today, I was tickled because she had a list of things she wanted to bring to the sleepover. She knew she had to pack. I was not going to pack for her. She is big enough to pack. She was so excited. She crossed everything off the list.

She was so proud of herself. I know where she got it from. She has seen me with lists and crossing off items on my list. She knows I like to plan events, too. It made me proud that she took initiative and followed through on something she wanted to do. I encourage her to work out the details on things she wants to do. If she can pack her own clothes, then I allow her to do that. This goes to show you that they are always watching. She learned from my example and ran with it, right on over to her friend’s house.

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When Kids are Good