The End

The kids asked me if it was the last week of school. I told them that it was not the last week of school ever. It is only spring break. Not summer break. I look back and see how far they have come. It is not the end of their learning or their growth.

I hope that they learn that just because the end of something approaches, that it does not have to be the end of everything. We can choose to look at it as the end or as a beginning of something new.

I choose to look at the end as something new. It allows for possibilities. It allows for room to grown. The end seems so final. It seems so absolute. There is no room for growth there. I want to teach my kids that just because something ends, it does not have to be a bad thing. It can be a great thing. So here is to the end of the old ways of thinking and the beginning of new ways of thinking.

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The Tooth
