Get tough

How do you raise your kids? I am raising my kids to be tough. Stuff is going to happen to them. I do not shelter them or pamper them. When they do something they know they should not do, they get to suffer the consequences. They realize that when they mess up, it will impact others and then they have to deal with the aftermath.

Teaching them that they might have to go without something. They have to figure out that they can’t always be entertained. Everyone is not going to be nice to them. Someone may hurt their feelings. Also, they may face rejection. It is good to get them used to some kind of rejection. Also, get them used to losing sometimes.

Life will be tough on them. You can make it better for them, by letting them fail. They can get back up with your help. They can go on. You will teach them more if you let them fail. If you let them know that there will be disappointments in life. There will be hard lessons to learn. They may not always get what they want. They will have to get tough to accept what they cannot change. They will need strength and dignity. Teach them to get tough by failing and learning from mistakes.

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