
My daughter scribbled on my desk. I tried to remain as calm as I could. It is a piece of work. I admire her creativity, but appall her gault.

I don’t know why she chose to do it. Perhaps she is just bored. Maybe she was trying to get my attention. She had my attention after she did it. She has since moved on.

There are a number of issues that need to be taken care of. I have a monthly planner. I make lists of everything I do. There just seems to be a lot to do. After inquiring with a friend. The friend indicated the priority is only singular. There has to be one.

All of the items on the to do list that are completed get crossed off. There are notes in the margin. After a while it starts to look a little bit like scribble. It is all jumbled up.

Perhaps my daughter was just mimicking what she sees.

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